Hello everybody this is Mr.Feathers/ MrFeathers/ PeasantsWithFeathers/ MrFeathersMiami/ Alkun Wilmer/ Miokihata/ Armando Von Feathers/ Master Feathers/ The Voodoo Witch Doctor. I am on the digital netlabel Triangle Earth. I perform with Otto Von Schirach. I make music my way, as you have noticed with my first album Galactic Trinity in 2011. I have a new album coming out called Knife Cream Sundae due May of 2012. I have had the pleasure of working with great artist throughout my career. I started making music using midi in 1994. I started djing in 1988. I have done some remixes, some are on here and some are not. I founded a group of laptop cyborgs called T he Creature Tweaker Council.