Latest Releases
Dance Like Pop - 2020 Music For Clubs, Disco And Bars
Tracing Arcs, Amycanbe, Evan Zappa & The Necessity, Deep, Moarn, Eric Fletcher, Ed Napoli, Mish O'Neill, Camille St. Vincent, Suchitra Lata, Sean van der Maten, Venessa Nolan, Leah Faegre, Peter Bennborn Project, Cosher, Ikiro, Steve Kroeger, White Blush, X: THC, Frank Enea, Patrick Joseph, Caiti Patton, Trena Marie, Feline and Strange, Quench, Island Letter, Dj Rob De Blank
Sugar Pills - Tender And Romantic Pop Music
Soroca and Allocca, Daniel Hartshorn, Valery Goldes, Mish O'Neill, Jennifer Clarke, Michelle Lockey, Katey Laurel, Axel Antunes, Kerry Leigh & Expresso Lane, Steve Willoughby, Michele Rene, The Whole Bolivian Army, Weston Boucher, Mitch Treger and The Emptys, Misfits and Thieves, Ed Napoli, Christine Kounnas, Tony Tee, Shaun Taylor-Corbett, AL Music Feat. Soheila, Chris Michols, Max Dicarlo, Cosher, Tom Antony, Wilton Vought, Dan Robinson, Voice of Men, Indie-Go Blue, Craig Moxey, RAW Boswin and the Gonnabees, Masterwerks R&B, Michelle Lockey Feat. Tinfeathers, Alex Cen, Steven Palmer, Wicked Ear Candy, Orly Vardy, Greg and Heidi Walker