Maddkat was born on the planet punk in a filthy litter of Punkloving Kats.At the early age of 6 months old he was abducted by evilAlien Mice.While on their 20 year trip to Earth he was fed RadioactiveEDM milk and as a result he morphed into half human / halfKat.He was constantly subjected to deep house music to keephis krazy punk anarchist rebel against the systemtendencies at bay.In 2013 while being held in a maximum security Alien mousetrap prison at area 51 Nevada.He escaped and vowed it was time tobring his unique style of thumping big room electro housemusic to this planet to save the masses from the slow timelypoison known as deep house .Electro / Big room House for the future GenerationsMaddkat is coming to a club near you