Komus & Ridley

Komus & Ridley

From the icy crypt of an ancient lake-bed turned swamp, Chris Komus and Alex Ridley have spent the better part of the last decade making music as an excuse to hide from the mosquitoes. Each of their experiences are the polar opposite spectrum of dance music; Chris Komus with his sights on dubstep, glitch-hop and psy-trance; and Alex with his focus on techno, acid and minimal. T heir unique quirks bring many different flavours to the table. They actualize their askew vision of dance music by drawing together the essence of techno, minimal, and psychedelic grooves. All while blending it with morose cocktail of atmospheres and upbeat techno twists heavily laced with esoteric samples. (And of course the obligatory glitched out vocal micro- sample or eight...)