Latest Releases
Kisses of Summer (Groovy Refreshments), Vol. 3
Jonathan Baker, Kassandra Warren, Ryan Aubrey, Bob Green, Santos Devana, Jeff Silver, Vibrant Groove Project, Dazed Kiss, Bambotron, Andrew Spencer, Kelly Martin, Emmett J. Morgan, Angel Romario, Harry Simmons, Paul Tatum, Ay Em, Tommy Martelli, Ronald Jefferson, Alaina Terta, Steven Conlin, Piet Lorigan, Shel Alton, Hanne Roland, Alexis Simon, Beat Essence
Sunset Bar, Vol. 4
Hanne Roland, Leonard Pine, Danny Tylar, Philippe Antonin, Johnny Divine, Beat Essence, Kassandra Warren, The Model Motel, Alexis Simon, Santos Devana, Guy Lacroix, Alaina Terta, John Allen, Peebee, Adrian Sly, Gold King, Robert White, Ben Weller, Charles Dempsie, Robert Salden, Oscar Senator, Natalie Williams, Zen Beat, Ron Roquefold, Kelly Martin
Weekend In Paradise (Fabulous Summer Tunes), Vol. 3
Nixon Hamilton, Bob Green, Style Industry, Jeff Silver, Billie Lee, Vibrant Groove Project, Sonic Dreams, Bambotron, Oscar Nathan, Ay Em, Joe Porfirio, Silk Lovers, Dry Static, Kelly Martin, Le Griffe, Angel Romario, Zen Beat, Jonathan Baker, XJ8, Harry Simmons, Ron Roquefold, Ryan Aubrey, Torres Pueblo, Paul Tatum, Night Howls
Moves & Grooves, Vol. 4
Steven Conlin, Equinox Beats, Jamie Anderson (DE), Emmett J. Morgan, Piet Lorigan, Dave Hurley, Gerald Dillon, Ron Roquefold, Sonny Franklin, Ted Turner, Archie Taggart, Kelly Martin, Shel Alton, Paul Geffrey, Johnny Dench, Torres Pueblo, Eddie Heaven, Club 88, XJ8, Vibrant Groove Project, Volker Rain, Nick Wallace, Aiden Walden, Paul Tatum, Andrew Spencer