Lyoness Foundation Production Title: “Children Of The Honduras” (Worldwide release as of 2010)Pravda Record Company Single Release Title: “U Should” (Single release date to be determined)PHOTOVIDEOPRODUCTIONS.COM Production Title: “CND FASHION FUSION””Action Impact (Dubai) Production Title: “Forest”Shoot To Kill PTY LTD (Australia) Production Title: “SFS”David Dance Records (Worldwide Release date 11/11/11) Single Release Title: “Corporate ExpoPeriscope Media Production Title: “Video for Internet” (Internet, DVD, CD-ROM or Product)Softwood Inc. Production Title: “Foxes Videos” (Internet)RC Studio Production Title: “Fist Of Oblivion” (Internet)Fuel 3 Advertising Production Title: “Beyond The Obvious” (Internet)John Bowden’s music is uniquely tempered with soulful expression and charisma. John is constantly expanding his horizons. Having a mixed background of Afro American, Creek (Muskogee) Indian and Irish, John writes in various styles, including Pop, Hip Hop, Jazz, Electronica, Latin, Greek, Gregorian, Native