Music lover since his soft childhood, Arnaud prefers themusic when he plays it. After a shy beginning in the synth,Arnaud quickly practiced the guitar. He played in severalformations which one made Ezekiel, Spicy Box & Lofoforafirst parts. It was there that he built up his first nights scenicexperiences.In 1995, during Eurockéennes of Belfort, hepassed 3 days on the camp listening to Spirals... Tribes(acid house, acid core in the time). It’s the Re-ve-la-tion. Hetried his hand at mixing with a friend (DJ Angelo kempes)some time. In 1998, he swop his Gibson SG and his amplifor a turntable and a mixing table. Jay dee noX was arrivedon techno planet. Quickly, he got dates in bars and clubs ofthe Centre region which he’s from. In 2002, he founded anassociation named Boom! with his