Real name-Jay Y Jethmalani Artist name-Jak3eh Jak3eh Is a an Indian based EDM Music Producer, Jak3eh Was Born in 28-04- 1989,Jak3eh Has His Own Record Label Called Golden Oppurtunity Record Label Founded in 9th March 2018 By Jak3eh. Golden Oppurtunity record Label Admin/Manager/Promoter is Katia Stephanie Cobo From France.Katia Stephanie Cobo From France is Admin/Manager/Promoter For Jak3eh. Jak3eh interest since when he was 5 years old and started growing his Love and interest Towards music more and more, at 2007,His love and interest for Electronic Dance Music Grew More,Jak3eh And Golden Oppurtunity record Label Admin/Manager/Promoter Katia Stephanie Cobo From France.Katia Stephanie Cobo From France Admin/Manager/Promoter For Jak3eh Says a Loyal Beloved Family/Team is very very improtant with out Jak3eh And Golden Oppurtunity record Label Admin/Manager/Promoter Katia Stephanie Cobo From France.Katia