Latest Releases
Midnight House, Volume 3
5th Element, 15K, Alexander Del Rio, Alpha Carpet, Perez, Anthony Galvano, Black Sunglasses, DJ Francesco Castelli, Gemma Jay, Illav Ermo, Lord Fender, Mark Em, Mark Fensett, Midnight Deep Ensemble, Paul Moana, Piano Lovers, The Dreamy Snapper, The Fly High Project, The Mark Project, Underwasser, Airless
Fetish Beats (Before Midnight Selection)
Gray Movement, Hector Rubio, Daniel Grant, London Hotel, Yan Chano, Tim Timmenberger, Constant Rhythms, Carl Debeer, Buck Hino, Victor Preston, House Vicious, Rick Roqueford, Jean Claude Pichet, Titus Fereder, House People, Condor 69, Zenzero House Project, Sunset Project, Christian Castillano, Illav Ermo
House of Class, Vol. 7
Plastique Soul, Larry Destrini, Robert Sonn, Porn Btz, Park Element, Quantum Mind, Pink System, Christian Castillano, Underwasser, Yori Giod, Tommy Miller, Dadeep, Frank Donovan, Kay System, Illav Ermo, Richard Hummer, Jova Nelson, Storm 2, Claudia, Club 89, Latin House, Tony Trumpetta, Anthony Love, Frankie Cove, Covent Gardner, The Sunshine Project, Valerius, Soul Phonique, Six Ensemble, Tribal Phonik, Black, White House, Alexander Mercure