Igor Ballereau

Igor Ballereau

In a first life, Igor Ballereau is a (French) composer of contemporary music. He writes mainly for the voice, adapting preferably the correspondence and diaries of authors such as Lewis Carroll (Lettres à des amies-enfants, 2001), Franz Kafka (Briefe an F., 2005) or Katherine Mansfield (I - the defeat of the personal, 2010). During these eighteen years, he collaborates with several instrumental or vocal ensembles, participates in various festivals, becomes a resident of the French Academy in Rome in 2003-2004, and founds the netlabel SHSK'H with soprano Jody Pou in New York, producing eight studio albums between 2008 and 2013. In 2021, after a seven-year silence, he recomposes (himself) in a new direction, halfway between electronic and acoustic, ambient and eclecticism, music of non-existent films and intimate confrontation with his

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