Born in 1980 Heiko beganmaking Music with the Age of 12. The Radioof that time was full of EBM, Snap, Depeche Modeand other Stuff like that. In the early 90's he beganto look behind that Radio Stuff.He bought 2 Turntables and 1 Mixer, a bunchof Vinyl, and last but not least, a couple ofSynthesizers and Grooveboxes.A while later he was more into Producing, andover Time he began to evolve his Career asa DJ. He played with many great Artists likeThomas Schumacher, Spektre, Format B, Remute,Lützenkirchen, Lars Wickinger, DJ T, Alan Fitzpatrick,Felix Kröcher, Mike Väth, Click Box, Dirt Crew, TobiasFelbermayr in Clubs like U60311 (Frankfurt) and manyothers.Known under the alias "Argomat", the first Releases cameupwith well known Remix Artists like Remute, TobiasFelbermayror Seismal D. Today and under his real Name,