Gianluca Viani

Gianluca Viani

Florindo Vidale born 02 Dicember 1988 in Pavia. At the age of 15 he starts his career as a Deejay. According to its audience, he is one of the most innovative DJ's of the moment. He starts his adventure djing since the beginning in the best discos of north Italy, playing along side famous artists of international appeal such as: Davide Squillace, Adam Beyer, Alex Neri, Ilario Alicante, Anja Schneider, Anthony Collins, Ion Ludwing, Markus Fix, Renè, Andrea Mattioli, Ivan Smagghe, Roberto Intrallazzi, Ricky Montanari, Giusy Consoli and many others. His choice of his huge and well selected backstock of music, persuades all founded Clubfreaks & electronic music lovers. Florindo's mirrors in his numerous Dj Gigs again his unique style, wich is also typical for his productions. Hypnotic, floating, on

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