With DJ DOSA and Funky J centralized,GhostBus consists of diverse guest members todemonstrate projects and is currently active indemonstrating innovative music and performance in variousfields.Although it performs DJing based on Electro Dance Music,GhostBus demonstrates extensive styles of album inexperimental stages and in various media to show itsnewness.With various artists of Korea like Bu Hwal, No Brain, Park MiKyoung, Park Sang Min, Daybreak,Deul Guk Hwa, and KwonJin Won, GhostBus performed remixes of these artists’music and performed together on stage.Also, its musical capabilities were approved by the audienceas its remixing with the nationally renowned reggae artistsSpragga Benz and Skull’s album title songs received afervent response from the audience.Recently, for the first time in Korea, GhostBussimultaneously processed fashion show music productionand release.With this, GhostBus has improved to become a team withfirst and best