
DJ, Music Producer and businessman, Eliezer Hofstaetter(also known by the names of his projects with which it signsto his productions, Coldbeat and Drop2Hell), started itsactivities as a DJ and Music Producer in 2011, focusing onElectro House. Also in 2011 signed a record contract withinternationally renowned record labels such as Ak47 MusicalRecordings (Argentina), East Van Digital (Canada), NoobishRecords (Luxembourg) Ventuno Recordings (Turkey) andothers (currently, in 2014, has signed agreements with 39different record labels). His productions always stand outamong the others, so that thanks to one of his productionsin 2012 was appointed one of the 10 best music producersin the state of Rio Grande do Sul by 1º Prêmio Groove deProdutores Gaúchos.DJ Eliezer already had support from some of the biggestnames in dance floors around the world, such as DavidGuetta, DJ Chuckie,