Cosimo Metta aka MET, begins his career as a drum&bass DJ and a scratch lover. In 2000 begins to organize and promote music events in north Italy, mostly in Bologne, as an ALTERED BEATS CREW member, independent project up to the beginnings (http://www.myspace.com/alteredbeatscrew). Special guests of this events are weighty producers from drum&bass world, we remember: DYLAN & ROBIN CHAOS, TECHNICAL ITCH, N-PHECT, RAIDEN, B-KEY & VICIOUS CIRCLE. After several years he decides move to Berlin, becoming part of a project already afoot called JOPREC (http://www.joprec.org). This is an independent label situated in German capital, and even an agency of shows, management & artists booking. His career as producer begins in Germany. He was deeply influenced by D'n'B in his first inedited works. After, will be DUBSTEP (very late kind