DjClaudioCicconeBros dj / producer from Naples music began as rhythmic guitarist rockPunk band from ( Scampia167 Naples ) in the 90s then from 1996 in the rave and SquatParty & club scene in milan for 3 years with FlowerPeace live bands of TechnoTrance liveset claudiocicconebros was playing groovemachine & sequenser anked by bass sax keyboards and live voice . and then in london in 2000 also as dj & producer x 12 years, then returned to Italy only in 2012.& star new musicproject AlessiaCiccone&Cicconebros now May 18, 2021 as a new tunr release created during the lockdown "DirtyCovid" was 15th place in BeatportNewReleaseTechno (Peak Time / Driving) In 2014 our tune deep-house"I racconti di Ale" was released in the compilation "Cafe’ do ’Friariell Vol.2" and passed on the radiomontecarlo frequencies in the program BuddhaBarRadioMontecarlo They are