Bial Hclap

Producer and beatmaker from Guadalajara, Jalisco born in1983, passionate about music and hip- hop culture sincechildhood, in 2001 begins his first steps of sequencing andsampling your own backing, in 2003 decided to devote 100%production and neglects facet mc, in 2005 founded theHandiclap Records label along with mc's of Guadalajara asTabernario, Crox and Twisted Minded.Its roots began mainly influenced by funk, soul and jazz butas the years pass begins to experience in other genressuch as reggae, dance hall, idm, dub, trip- hop and glitchhop.It has been published by different labels in Guadalajara andMexico City as Techkilla recordings, Discos Cuchillo andHandiclap Records. Because of his versatility he hasproduced and remixed artists in reggae, jazz, electronic andhard-core.His work has been featured internationally producing tracksfor artists of reggae and hip- hop as Fidel Nadal,