Avelll (Simon Korneev) started making music in 2010 and tothis day! Founded in writing Progressive House, Avell nowon the basis of progressive house and it only goes to thetop!
Latest Releases
Las Vegas Casino Compilation
Rompasso, Neil Bronson, KAALASH, JokerFed, Rave Me, Koala Street, Shifterz, Merelleyne, Victor Garde, JayD, MainShock, DeFreight, Biggoose, Light Noise, Hoit & Lemens, Shafeev, SpaceDin, QUTN, Kyden, Andrea Infinity, Bode V, Shaman, Inka, Evden, Aveno, Avell, Mavareen, O PANA, Dawell, Aerostatique, Darris & Harris, KostjeN, Raimon