In the world of electronic music, Detroit's Autoclave are stillrelative newcomers. Gabriel Sandler approached bassistand studio whiz Alexander Drazin about teaming up. Sandlerhad recently returned from a trip to Antarctica, where hefound himself re-inspired to create electronic music. Drazinwas also brimming with new inspiration of his own, havingjust left his rock band to pursue electronic music full-time.Autoclave's music is complex and unique, as is the processfor making it. In many ways, the techniques employed arelike ancient family secrets and are therefore protected assuch. However, the basic recipe goes something like this:mix equal parts of science, art, and sorcery in a small ormedium-sized cauldron. Add at least one moving basslineand stir briskly until thick, rich and heavy. Gently sprinkle adash of beginner's fervor for taste. Heat and serve.