Latest Releases
Dream Catalogue Singles, Summer 2020
Elegance of the Damned, Eulalie, AUT2M, Jude Frankum, Keys for Eclipse, .foundation, Becoming Real, Shima33, Tony Saggs Jr, HKE, Shinatama, iiteration, Reality Matrix, Halo Acid, GG. Mothra, Sadness, Burninq, Cotto Center, Mutilomaquia, Cicada Shell, PJS, BROKEN_CANYON, Kagami Smile, G a t e w a y, Dr. Nakano, Tidur, Yoshimi, Ninomiya Tatsuki, MOD-COMM 81, Jewelz K'tard, Dogdays, Remember, lona Dream, Sangam, Polaroid
Singles, Q319-Q220
HKE, AUT2M, Sangam, Shinatama, MOD-COMM 81, Elegance of the Damned, DJNICKJERSEY, DCT, Shima33, Eulalie, Jude Frankum, H U I, Ex Aquis, Eccodusk, Hong Kong Express, Remember, Kagami Smile, Iona Dream, Cryosauna, Rashida Prime, Coldboy, Lovers Entwined, Opa Epa, HKE2083, Tinmixer, Halo Acid, Droidroy, Inertia Eyes, Sent Down Girl, Tyler Mathoyi, Lucid Sound Driver, Chie Otomi, Dr. Nakano, Hard Kano, Shunned Anubis, Legio X, Fentanyl Embrace, Jackson Ford, Flapzilla, WEI, Rhucle
Chaos 4: We Are Unstoppable
AUT2M, Blank Body, 2814, Sangam, PZA, Flash Kostivich, PURE VIOLENCE, Argiflex, Raj Kapoor, Keitobot, Thought Broadcast, Broken HKE, ThugWidow, Shenzen Global, Virtue, Cyberport, Dan Mason, C O D E X, International Debris, Kai Beckman, Sour Gout, SLEEP REPRIEVE, AIR Japan, Demented Sandtimer, VHS MIDNIGHT STYLE, VVV, New Disconscious, Ebola Bop, Space Closure, PFS, STEEL DIAMONDS, Saturn, JESUS SELIN, Vaporsleuth, w u s o ?, Danaseus