Al Pérez was born in Asturias (Spain). In 1994 he completed his studies in Classical Guitar at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid. During the same year, he was commissioned to create an electro-acoustic work featuring guitar, “La pasión de Cervantes“ at the Centro de Difusión de la Música Contemporánea in the Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid. In 1995 he was a finalist at the International Competition of Composition for Symphonic Band “Ciudad de la Coruña“ (Spain) and was awarded the First Prize of Excellence for Guitar in Perpignan, France. He has been awarded with three scholarships from the Spanish Government to study abroad: Haccetepe Universitesi Develet Konservatuvari, Turkey 1995/96; Gheorghe Dima School of music, Cluj Napoca, Romania 1997/98; The Royal Danish Conservatory, Copenhaguen (Denmark) 1998/99. Alberto was also awarded a scholarship from the French Government