
Remigai is a three-piece band that was formed in Nagoya, Japan. Their singer, Aya Fukaya, is said to have been named after the Steely Dan album [Aja], which her parents loved. Aya contributes her talents in wide-ranging genres such as jam music, electronica, and hip hop, as well as to various TV commercials and web content. Bassist Shohei Kadoya is also in a band called soulkids and a collaborative unit with Seira, called Olive E Castor. He contributes music to major artists and plays as a backing musician for several live acts. Keyboardist Masahiro Araki has composed music for several TV commercials, web videos, and apps. He also performs under the moniker, fredricson, and with his other band, tigerMos. As a beat maker, he has been featured on the popular

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