Iván E López

Iván E López

Born in Ensenada Baja California, he started with classical music studying piano at the Center for Musical Studies in Ensenada, until the age of 17 whengave in for alternative music such as Rock and Electronic. For the year 2000 He had already been part of different rock bands. It was in 2005 that he had hisapproach to clandestine parties with electronic music with vinyl. Fascinateddue to the diversity of rhythms and sounds of electronic music is when he began hisown path as a DJ. Even participating in different rock bands, he did not stop self-taught musical production. It is until 2012 that the creation of a musical concept called Loquera Tradition which is a mixture of Cumbia with electronic genres, where he begins his careeras a music producer. Managing to place a single on

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