Fascination is what I felt when first approached through acabin of a nightclub. In 1993 he discovered a magical worldsomething it was love at first sight. I had always seen hisfather use disks, but in a different way. Accustomed togroups like Pink Floyd Alan Parsons, Mike Oldfield,Supertramp and Vangelis, classical music, rock, pop of the50s, 60s and 70s. Discover new music grunge and metal ofthe 90s plunges without any notion of mixing and has basedtest hours and a team of the most basic 3-year get their firsttest with a professional team in a room End call, a venuespecializing in electronic music classics. In which of his lackof experience is not passed the test and got more desire ifpossible to access the room. After two hard years with aresidency position in