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Gabberbox, Vol. 17 (50 Crazy Hardcore Trax)
DJ Alex, Vixen, The Remixer, Terror Cotta, Xyster, Holothurian, The Terrorist, The M.P., Hardcor-e, Pyratex, DJ Deception, Hardcore Sequencer, The Base Collector, Roots Of Evil, Precision, Darklord-Duke, Gabberhead, DJ Divain, Speedcore Master, Tha Creator, Earcatcherz, Snake Sight, STC, The Misanthropist, DJ Ziege, Industrial Hardcore, Brain Basher, Gary Ferro, Army Of Terror, Metalman, Gablin, Da Groove Man, Savage C, Headcracker, Flippin' Gee, DJ Justice, Sixth Sense, Ironside, DJ Trigger, Scharbeutzer Terror Clan, Lady M., DJ Scumbag, The Perpetrator, Hardcore Interphaze