Latest Releases
Take It to the Hardcore, Vol. 1
Shadowcore, Maza, Beterror, Noxize, Mywar, Chicagoboy, Psychotik, Sven Neawolf, Tematic, 100 Kilo Maarten, 3 Past 3, 4Twenty, 8Trak, 909 Junkies, A Saving Whisper, A-Brothers, A-Kriv, A.L.K., Abnormal Dysfunction, Abort Retry Fail, AcidPhras3, Stephanie, Adam Easter, Ader, Adrian Richter, Affective Disorder, Afreaka, Ainox, Ak-industry, Billy S., Alberto Nemo, Alex Fader, Alex Galiver, Alex Gonzao, Alex Mash, Alex Progress, Alex Tune, Allan Snowden, Alphaknight, Amcore, Amp Attack, Andy The Core, Anticeptik, Antika, Antique Project
Hardcore & Gabber Arena - Hot Elements 2015
Tematic, Gijs De Mik, Lucy Bosman, Maza, Thorax, The Ultimate MC, Re-direction, Tensor, Archonoise, Zoid, The Raptor, Noxize, Track Killer, Sir. Parkinson, Demolior, Twilight, Jackall, Adrenokrome, Psychotik, Beterror, Mywar, Conspiracies, Autiszm, Carnage & Cluster, CSI, Carnage, Cluster, Brutal Force, The Braindrillerz, Akira, Cameron, Hcm, Embrionyc, Outworld, Stolen Cult, Starving Insect, Omkara Techichi, Traffik, Rado, Hatebusters, Sei2ure, The Relic, Ak-industry, Proto X, Promo, DJ Thera, Wavolizer, C.Y.T., Outlandich, Medical Cut, Billy S., MC Axys, Stormtrooper, Minupren, Digiphorik, Karen Danzig, Selektaz