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Electro House Anthems Vol.8 (Deluxe Edition)
Ryan Galbraith, Federland, Prototyperaptor, Andrey Sher, Gloria House, Weela, Jonathan Gering, Coochie, The Blue-Veined Hooligans, Greeoons, Cedric Vian, DJ LP, Joss H, Cult Classique, Save The Rave, Uniform, Jontron, Nick In Time, Adrien Aubrun, Francois Dennig, RalfStar, Musicbump, Motez, Ryley, Sam Worsley, Darkpunk, Megaman, Hypster, Clover Ray, Freytag, Project 7, Donique, Lenz, Schiller, Kerr Slaven, Gasman, Sprtn, Egoism vs Electrolight, Nicky Twist, Kill Dyl, Mike Noize, Framklin, Daniel Butler, Fleurr, Aaren San, Virtu, The Control Freakz, Deep Filth, Lopezz, Planet Noize, Steve Lade, Xspectiv
Electro House Anthems Vol.8
Ryan Galbraith, Federland, Prototyperaptor, Andrey Sher, Gloria House, Weela, Jonathan Gering, Coochie, The Blue-Veined Hooligans, Greeoons, Cedric Vian, DJ LP, Joss H, Cult Classique, Save The Rave, Uniform, Jontron, Nick In Time, Adrien Aubrun, Francois Dennig, RalfStar, Musicbump, Motez, Ryley, Sam Worsley, Darkpunk, Megaman, Hypster, Clover Ray, Freytag, Project 7, Donique, Lenz, Schiller, Kerr Slaven, Gasman, Sprtn, Egoism vs Electrolight, Nicky Twist, Kill Dyl, Mike Noize, Framklin, Daniel Butler, Fleurr, Aaren San, Virtu
Festival Anthems 2016 (Deluxe Edition)
Ted Nilsson, Mikey Dalton, Jeff Daniels, Tara Lett, Save The Rave, Cedric Vian, DJ LP, Joss H, Kill Dyl, Yenn, Daniel Butler, Bruno Barudi, Gianni Kosta, Mord Fustang, Hypster, Sally Garozzo, K.Swiff, Striker, Aaren San, Olivia Barbera, Melie, Frank The Tank, Afro Horse, Sasha Plus, Rjabinski, Boris Bredin, Kyle G, Miles Dyson, Mr. Duder, Aleksey Burn, Oscar Cooper, Thomas Ray, Ragel Mood, Versus 5, James Acosta, Art Balkovsky, Parsley Joe, BlueDrak3, DJ Equan, Arrigo, L.A.Z.E.R., Galactix, Ecotek, Futuristik, Kiltek, Kelvin., Will-Em, Dream Chaos, I.M.T.B, Dav'bond, nitefal, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, Ricky Rough, Chris Cipher
Festival Anthems 2016
Ted Nilsson, Mikey Dalton, Jeff Daniels, Tara Lett, Save The Rave, Cedric Vian, DJ LP, Joss H, Kill Dyl, Yenn, Daniel Butler, Bruno Barudi, Gianni Kosta, Mord Fustang, Hypster, Sally Garozzo, K.Swiff, Striker, Aaren San, Olivia Barbera, Melie, Frank The Tank, Afro Horse, Sasha Plus, Rjabinski, Boris Bredin, Kyle G, Miles Dyson, Mr. Duder, Aleksey Burn, Oscar Cooper, Thomas Ray, Ragel Mood, Versus 5, James Acosta, Art Balkovsky, Parsley Joe, BlueDrak3, DJ Equan, Arrigo, L.A.Z.E.R., Galactix, Ecotek, Futuristik, Kiltek, Will-Em, Dream Chaos, I.M.T.B
Progressive House Selection Vol.1
Aaren San, EllarSound, Mord Fustang, Hanumam, Mikey Dalton, Tin Dog, Donique, Cedric Vian, DJ LP, Joss H, Geezy, Lupo!!, Jeff Daniels, Save The Rave, Greeoons, Louche, Daniel Butler, Shazza, DJ Tranzit, Dooz, Rusky Rusk, Alakai, Joe Garston, Jenna Summer, Flood BatoOt, Lopezz, Joe Marley, Lupo, JRF, Striker, Gourville, Westo, Jay Jacob, Framklin, Mazin, Yellow Laces, Javi Garcia, Elan Myles, Pierce G, Jp.Moa, Michael Colucci, Planet Noize, Wiley Webb, Cheb Five, Tom Huge, Lucifer Matttz, Kyle G, Versus 5, Thomas Ray