Producer, soundengineer, saxophoneplayer Martin Adrian brings a fresh inventive saxophone-style that blends Jazz with electro- house. Some tracks are compelling energizing with big room energy. His chillwave-tunes carry touching Saxophone melodies, burning things up in a most sensual way. When these drop, the world simply isn't such a bad place. BIO: Martin Adrian appeared in the music world around the 90s, initially when he came to cologne, then in Arnhem, where he pursued saxophone jazz-music studies at the schoolfonds Stedelijk Conservatorium en Dansacademie while playing the nights away in the jazz clubs. Back to Colonge he started working as a DJ and Saxophonplayer, playing an active role in the cologne Housemusic scene and built up a fanbase. He was working as music producer and sound engineer. Together with Menno Brenkman and Peter Staecker