
Since 2005, Optick approached music production, with a few remixes for romanian artists such Miki, Activ or Voltaj. We then worked with one of the most appreciated Romanian producers, Ciprian Lemnaru,with whom he launched "Maya" (the premiere took place on Ibiza Global radio station). Beginning of 2011 brings a new successful release, "Tremble", this time in collaboration with the NTFO duo. Even before its official launch, the material has received excellent feedback from some major names in the industry. Among the artists impressed by this release was Joseph Capriati, Loco Dice, Lauhaus, Audiojack, Butch and Tom Budden. Also, in the first months of 2011, Optick was invited for the third consecutive year to play in the major clubs in Canada. He had t he opport unit y t o play

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