Richard Santana

Richard Santana

Richard Santana is well known in South Africa and followedclosely by a massive fan base since 1998. Though hiscareer started at the age of 15 at xenon in Portugal andthen went on to his first residency to Greens Nightclub forthe year to follow.Recently signed to legendary techno label Yin Yang recordsas well as Baroque records Richard Santana now launcheshimself onto the international scene.It was in South Africa performing for events such as theunforgettable Mother events by Mother productions whendiscovered by promoter and organizer Peter White that hiscareer reached a new level. It was from then that RichardSantana was booked to perform at most events including:Ice festivals from Ice Productions South Africa, Dreamscape,Unity festivals and H2O. Over all past residencies held,currently Richard Santana holds a residency at the famousTruth nightclub, which

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