Latest Releases
Love is...Chill Out
Luis Hermandez, Steen Thottrup, Eva Scolaro, Calmabohain, Lounge Groove Avenue, Neonsolar, Thawn Kez, Five Seasons, Ed Chill, Ariane Blakely, Billy Esteban, Mi Ni, Weathertunes, San Dakla, Chris Le Blanc, Faro, Lazy Hammock, Paulsen, Stryczek, Jessy Z, Marc Hartman, Svendaq, Peter Pearson, Sami Sivananda, Rob Olsen, Jazzamor, Dreamweavers, Bloomfield, SECMOS, Paul Jason Levy, Roberto Sol, Rana, Tescana
Deep-House Hunters, Vol. 3
Roberto Sol, Chris Le Blanc, Karmaloft, Rana, Living Room, Eiaua, Dark Tunnes, Marc Hartman, Cataldo aka Sleeping Noize, Scot, GLN, Millfield, ATAX, Breakfast Brothers, Paul Brady, Joka Chups, Paulsen, Stryczek, Snake Black, Chillhanger, Flauschig, Stardaze, PM Project, Nemanja Kostic, Seumas Norv, NPFT, Sharkhuman, Nightgroovaz, Jaques Le Noir, Vertefeuille, Tera M., Miam Breez, Lemongrass, Dan Mckie, ABX, Mo'jardo, Dozikur
Lounge Box, Vol. 2
Living Room, Adrian Planitz, Calmabohain, Five Seasons, Luis Hermandez, Ielo, Tigerforest, Keyfonia, Cataldo, Hatar, Erick Portman, Harrison & Daicz, Lenny Mac Dowell, Roberto Bronco, TAWO, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Weber & Weber, Alejandro Fernandez Lecce, Paul Eerhart, Milky Bay, Artur Bayramgalin, Faro, Lounge Groove Avenue, Mo'jardo, Stargazer, Weathertunes, C.A.T., Sunburn in Cyprus, Tafubar, Xemplify, Lemongrass, Karen Gibson Roc, Velvet Dreamer, Tim Gelo
Deep-House Hunters, Vol. 1
Steen Thottrup, Eva Scolaro, Roberto Sol, Chris Le Blanc, Karmaloft, Rana, Dan Mckie, Sharkhuman, Five Seasons, Hi.5, Sebastian Wilberk, Lounge Groove Avenue, Tobi A.o., Stereolunga, Paul Bart, Bes & Meret, Claraphonom, Seumas Norv, Cataldo, Antton, Seric Deez, Mia Lemar, Selina Ciccone, Taradu, Lupostar, Marc Hartman, Eskadet, Steven Mac, Monosenso, Luis Hermandez, Corrado Saija, Joe Le Blanc, Keyklova, Paul Kennedy
Ritmo De Ibiza (Beach Club Vibes), Vol. 3
Jaques Le Noir, Hi.5, Bronx Cheer, Eiaua, Bes & Meret, Five Seasons, Mo'jardo, Benny Heyman, Chillhanger, Nightpeople, Tereso, Nina Moric, Holborn, Kenhya, Wontu, Sharkhuman, Paul Bart, Kohl, Milton Powell, Destroy All Robots, C.A.T., Mi Ni, Paul Brady, Melodymann, ChrisVe, Alexander Funkmachine, Prove Them Wrong, Ninurta, Kobes, Roberto Sol, Chris Le Blanc, Karmaloft, Rana, Seumas Norv
Deep-House Hub, Vol. 1
Living Room, Steen Thottrup, Eva Scolaro, Seumas Norv, Dark Tunnes, Eiaua, Roberto Sol, Chris Le Blanc, Karmaloft, Rana, Keyklova, Denver Knoesen, PM Project, Jennifer Larson, Avrial, Iag & Omoc, Abelaster, Joshua Lazer, Tom One, MR.GB, Mario Santo, Tiquelle, Jaques Le Noir, Millan Seritos, Double U, Paulsen & Stryczek, NPFT, Jaid Zucchero, Dan Mckie, Anton Stellz, Mike van Olsen, Tasso B., PJR Peter Rooke, E.Q.T., The Boogeyman
Luxury Lounge, Vol. 4 (Special Selected Anthems)
Ganga, Annemarie Zimakoff, Steen Thottrup, Green Pine River, Sunburn in Cyprus, Lo Tide, Capa, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Lounge Groove Avenue, Peter Pearson, The Diventa Project, Five Seasons, Marc Hartman, Schwarz, Funk, Van, Road, Lucy Jules, Stargazer, Jazzamor, Digital Rain, Lenny Mac Dowell, Michiko, Mazelo Nostra, PNFA, Lenny Ibizarre, Dave Ross, Billy Esteban, Northbound, Bossasonic, The Funky Lowlives, Dreamweavers, Lazy Hammock
Ibiza DEEP 2024 (A Lovely Island)
Seumas Norv, Roberto Sol, Chris Le Blanc, Karmaloft, Rana, Jaques Le Noir, Sharkhuman, Steen Thottrup, Eva Scolaro, Sebastian Wilberk, Joe Le Blanc, Vertefeuille, Stereolunga, Mi Ni, Lupostar, Taradu, VS Prjct, Larry Scottish, Scot, GLN, Millfield, Tommy Sunsets, Teaman, Marc Hartman, James The Plan, ATAX, Iron Paper, Eskadet, Iag & Omoc, Paulsen, Stryczek, Oklaboun, PM Project, Cataldo, Nervous Freaks, Aaron Noise
Lounge Delicious, Vol. 2
Luasol, Newton, Lenny Mac Dowell, MoShang, Lazy Hammock, J.A.Z.Z.matic, Beatgroove, Luis Hermandez, Bossasonic, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Five Seasons, Jazzamor, Key Of Dreams, PNFA, Sunburn in Cyprus, Xemplify, Eskadet, Backsoul System, Lemongrass, Suzy Duffy, Michiko, Stargazer, Lo Tide, Elkeland, Schwarz, Funk, Dubdiver
Lounge O'Clock, Vol. 3
Luis Hermandez, MoShang, Karen Gibson Roc, J.A.Z.Z.matic, Peter Pearson, Beatgroove, Schwarz, Funk, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, The Diventa Project, Five Seasons, Placid Larry, Lazy Hammock, Beach Hoppers, Key Of Dreams, Lev Tarma, PNFA, Lenny Mac Dowell, Sunburn in Cyprus, Living Room, Xemplify, Alien Cafe, Backsoul System, Agua Loca, Bossasonic, Tafubar, Eskadet
Pure House, Vol. 3
Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Patrick Hofmann, Hagen Feetly, A.C.N., Just Karl, Oliver Sylo, Bronx Cheer, DJ Roland Clark, KaiMack, Beedeep, Art Alive, Miqro, Jacob A, Daniel Argoud, Gonzak, Paco Caniza, Lucy Clarke, Ashley Izco, Daniel Dale, Francesco Diaz, Karl Frierson, TRIPLE1, Dirty Guru, Robert Feelgood, Tom Boye, David Bernardi, Fred Del Mar, Gordon John, Black Legend Project, Falko Niestolik, K & K, Oni Sky, DJ Breeze, Ken Holland, Peverell, Kid Shakers, Hayley Parsons, Futuristic Polar Bears, Mat Holtmann, Sounds Like!, DJ Monxa, Xander Ace, Abe Stewart, Patrik Hupe, Slideback, Beethoven Tbs, Dany Cohiba, Joachim Garraud, Charlie Sputnik, Ridwello, Luke DB, Fabien Pizar
Lounge Temptation, Vol. 3
Allume, PNFA, Chris Le Blanc, Liz June, Mario Santo, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Tokyo Counterpoint, Weathertunes, Bossasonic, Schwarz, Funk, Ganga, Helle Chirholm, Soren Chambers, Adelaine Simmons, Stuce The Sketch, Castle, Denise, Brazil Affairs, Lo Tide, Sarah Shamash, Abraxas, Peter Pearson, Man In A Room, Cleveland P Jones, Stepo Del Sol, Ensemble Ethnique, Noel McCalla, Steen Thottrup, Roberto Bronco, Johannes Huppertz, Van, Collioure, Twelve, Nuva, Gabor Deutsch, Judie Jay, Ravine
Chill Out Perfection, Vol. 1
Steen Thottrup, Van, Beach Hoppers, Sunyata Project, Lemongrass, Openzone Bar, Sangre De La Tierra, Krystian Shek, Velvet Dreamer, Roberto Sol, Rana, Raffunk, Gushi, Steven Solveig, Alice D, Christos Fourkis, The Diventa Project, Dreamweavers, Weathertunes, Five Seasons, Klaus Sch, Phonokinetics, Mazelo Nostra, Lenny Mac Dowell, David Garcia, Tim Angrave, PNFA, Jasmon, Placid Larry, Mirage Of Deep, Voice of Fractals, Faro, Nova Casa
Special Lounge Edition, Vol. 1
Ganga, Nikolaj Grandjean, Night Lovers, Lazy Hammock, Allume, Velvet Dreamer, Tim Gelo, Diana Moon, Modern Lounge Heroes, Newton, Coolcomotion, PNFA, Worldtraveller, Benatural, Chris Le Blanc, Liz June, Sweet Year, Juliana Pasini, Van, Montecarlo Dream, Den Wood, Ensemble Ethnique, Man In A Room, Capa, Nightbar, Collioure, DJ MNX, The Lounge Sunset, Five Seasons, Look Right, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, The Diventa Project, Mazelo Nostra, Vip Pass, Bossasonic
Golden Sun Lounge, Vol. 2
Lounge Groove Avenue, Soulavenue, Weathertunes, Marc Hartman, Lenny Ibizarre, Marga Sol, Luis Hermandez, Jazzamor, Syusi, Five Seasons, Xemplify, Johannes Huppertz, PNFA, Tim Angrave, Charly'n Black, Lenny Mac Dowell, Mazelo Nostra, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Key Of Dreams, Pianochocolate, Living Room, Tafubar, Eskadet, Yin And Yang, Tiefblau, Luasol, Black Coffee, MoShang, Lemongrass, Schwarz, Funk, Barriere, Lazy Hammock
Sunset Lounge (30 Chillin' Lounge Tunes)
The Diventa Project, Andy P, Eddie Thoneick, Steen Thottrup, Schwarz, Funk, Marga Sol, L' Art Mystique, Francesco Diaz, Mikis Theodorakis, Gods Blue Chest, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Abey Brown, Aaron Bass, Lenny Ibizarre, PNFA, Jazz 'N'Groove, Andrea Caloni, Revera Project, Lazy Hammock, Bortolotto Leonardo, Sunburn in Cyprus, Lenny Mac Dowell, Jack Jones, Chris Le Blanc, Mazelo Nostra, Sunyata Project, Zen K., Lounge Emperor, Magic Mike, Mr. Vaud
Chill Out Stars, Vol. 1
Openzone Bar, Sunyata Project, Faro, The Diventa Project, Chris Le Blanc, Nightzone, Van, Jasmon, Weathertunes, Guests Of Tibet, Garry Stiles, C.A.V.O.K., Leon Ard, Lazy Hammock, Raffunk, Gushi, Placid Larry, Vie Elettronique, Klaus Sch, Yantra Mantra, Schwarz, Funk, Roberto Sol, Rana, Jazz 'N'Groove, Krystian Shek, Five Seasons, T2'n, Dreamweavers, Genna Bell, Pluto Project, Ganga, Steen Kyed Bugge, Fundamenta Stelo, Voice of Fractals
Beautiful Chill Out Collection, Vol. 3
Van, Sangre De La Tierra, Peter Pearson, Weathertunes, Five Seasons, Yvonne Thornton, Beach Hoppers, Mirage Of Deep, The Diventa Project, Placid Larry, Keisuke Sakai, Maximus, Ensemble Ethnique, Yantra Mantra, Vie Elettronique, David Garcia, Ganga, Lazy Hammock, Klaus Schønning, Leon Ard, Castlebed, Alexander Berry, Schwarz, Funk, Jasmon, Bloomfield, Sunyata Project, Roberto Sol, Rana, Nora Welsh, Emotional Sound Group, Benirras, Simon Adams, Jazz 'N'Groove
House Record Bag, Vol. 1
Ben Weber, Jude & Frank, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Hagen Feetly, Nick Donnas, Young Rebels, Francesco Diaz, A.C.N., Viktor Newman, BeatFlashers, Tsaho, Submission DJ, Josephine Sweett, KPD, Patrick Hofmann, Luke DB, Frystal DJ, Modium, DJ Stephen, Karl Frierson, DMC, Absolut Groovers, Michael Murica, Honeywell, Renoa, Gianluca Catra, Michael Fall, Tyler Traxx, John Pc, Yas Cepeda, Din Vito, Art Alive, Pepper MaShay, Johnny Bravo, Mieczyk, Groove Phenomenon, Deft Duo, Just Karl, Oliver Sylo, Bryan Dalton, Ellen Weller, Mark Bale, Daniel Argoud, Austin Leeds, Redhead Roman, DBN, David Puentez, Cozi Costi, Michelle Weeks, Cambis, Beedeep, Futuristic Polar Bears, Chrom3, Shaw, Dache, Erik Stefler, Bronx Cheer, DJ Roland Clark, Orson Welsh
Lettres d'amour (Smooth Chill Out Grooves), Vol. 4
Ganga, Annemarie Zimakoff, Steen Thottrup, Denver Knoesen, Christos Fourkis, Deco, T2'n, Airily, Joe T. Aykut, Tim Angrave, Worldbeat Corp., Jazzamor, Antennasia, Chris Le Blanc, Nightzone, Jen, Solar Moon, Malkou, Eskadet, Took, Area Code 51, Billy Esteban, Masan, Zen K., The Diventa Project, Jane Maximova, Stepo Del Sol, Marcus Koch, Voice of Fractals, Samadi Tunes, Masan & Miyabi, Sofya, Roberto Sol, Rana, PNFA, Sangre De La Tierra
Electronic Ibiza (Summer)
Isac, Tomas Drex, Andre Lesu, Kambusa, Roger Horton, MING, Scott J, ACR, Chris Montana, Vinylsurfer, Marcimo, Oni Sky, Lucas Reyes, Rude Vinyl, Blonde Groove, Tropez, Reat Kay, DJ McKoy, Ethan Wood, Deeper Than L, Alexia Nigh, Kinky Wage, Tom Jagger, Tavo, JK15, Matteo Vanetti, We:We, Alexandra Prince, Aleksey, Rio Dela Duna, Nuyorica, Deft Duo, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Dany Cohiba, Ang3lino, Kiki Doll
Rock Like a Superstar, Vol. 2 (House Bombs)
KaiMack, Viktor Newman, BeatFlashers, A.C.N., Tsaho, Submission DJ, Josephine Sweett, KPD, Trooperz, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, We:We, Chris Marina, Jesse Voorn, Tom Piper, TFX, Orson Welsh, Gonzak, DJ Jurgen, DeLeau, Niels Van Gogh, Dave Ramone, The Henchmen, John De Mark, Akil Wingate, Francesco Diaz, Karl Frierson, Honeywell, DMC, Absolut Groovers, Michael Murica, Dany Cohiba, Steve Kid, DJ Stephen, Fuzzy Hair, Paco Caniza, DJ Fist, TRIPLE1, Patrick Hofmann, Reza, Just Karl, Oliver Sylo, DJ Monxa, Bryan Dalton, Mark Bale, Daniel Argoud, Austin Leeds, Redhead Roman, Wawa, Dario Rodriguez, 3rd Planet, Black Legend Project, Phylea Carley, Jay C, Futuristic Polar Bears, Pepper MaShay, Johnny Bravo, Mieczyk, Sweet LA, Jenna Summer, Pasha Amazon
In the Name of House, Vol. 2
Kid Massive, Blacktron, Johnny Bravo, Mieczyk, A Squared Theory, Marcus Gauntlett, Francesco Diaz, Michael Feiner, Shena, DJ Ivan Roudyk, Steve Kid, Nopopstar, Ralph Good, SanFran D!5co, Corey Andrew, Dache & Shaw, Kid Shakers, Fisher, Fiebak, Sub:Divide, Boogie Pimps, Darryl Pandy, Jenna Summer, Pasha Amazon, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Senoritaz, Wawa, Jesse Voorn, Paul Vinx, Nico Heinz, Max Kuhn, Fabio De Magistris, Eddie Amador, Groove Salvation, Karl Frierson, Mick Kastenholt, Pepper MaShay, A.C.N., Alexander Avilla, Damir Pushkar, Linda Newman, The Henchmen, David Puentez, DJ Turtle, Thibo Rosh
Chill Out Whisper, Vol. 3
Van, Sangre De La Tierra, Steen Thottrup, Velvet Dreamer, Kolby Wade, Samadi Tunes, Area Code 51, Five Seasons, Faro, Lazy Hammock, T2'n, Jasmon, Antennasia, Dave Ross, Lemongrass, Mirage Of Deep, Chris Le Blanc, The Diventa Project, Derrick, Tim Angrave, Syusi, Roberto Sol, Rana, Jazz 'N'Groove, Mazelo Nostra, Luca eight
Lounge & Summer, Vol. 3
Tonica Rara, Lisa, Sonydo, Alain Demanger, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Lo Tide, Isabel Morales Rey, Marc Hartman, Ronny Morris, William Ceruto, The X Team, Pier-O, Road, Lucy Jules, Michiko, JP-Juice, Mazelo Nostra, PNFA, Lenny Ibizarre, Ganga, Schwarz, Funk, Josete Ordonez, Ana Salazar, The Mann, Ivonne Charme, Dr Drummer, Lazy Hammock, Capa, Mariana Lucy
Spring Lounge, Vol. 1
Francesco Diaz, Karl Frierson, Schwarz, Funk, Key Of Dreams, Peter Pearson, Jazzamor, Men With Style, Ganga, Maria Luisa Lafiandra, Ruggero Campese, Bortolotto, Tornello, Francesco Demegni, Balearic Lounge Orchestra, Agua Loca, Beatgroove, Two Elements, Mauri Jay, The Red Lounge, P & V Guitarra, Alien Cafe, Marga Sol, Florito, Roberto Sol, Rana, Luasol, James Butler, Zhubin Kalhor, Sudha, Bahramji, Maneesh De Moor, Bashir, Leonardo Bortolotto, The Diventa Project
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