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Lo kik Miami 2011
Sonny Wharton, Kill Your TV, Gui Arruda, Victor Ruiz, Mikalogic, Andre Bastos, Rafael Noronha, Numbers, Naccarati, Viktor Mora, Anderson Noise, One, A Raff Man, Alex J, Renato Borges, Daniel Marques, Marcello V.O.R., Moskardi, Andre Guarda, Fabio Castro, Carlo Dall Anese, Yosh, DJ Snoop, Guilherme Vieira, Twisted Mind, Max Bett, Hollen, Paolo Mercurio, Piero Cusenza
Voices From The U-Ground Volume 03
SAMPLER, Kohary, Placido, Paella, Ron Ractive, Minimalistik, Over8, Mal,, Steve Dujacquier, Angelo Ferreri, Jalebee Cartel, A-nuss, Roby Mannarini, Lex Bale, Chube.Ka, Miss Funky, Wasscass, Karl Simon, Tino Tamillo, Impacted Particels, Slavaki, Pinch N Peedge, Mynude, Melazeta, Frost, Pascal Brockly, Xady, Nomis, Akin, Piero Cusenza, Ingo Schafer, Basciu, Riccardo M, Cuddlecake, Bukaca, Alex Spite, Flash Grey, Benjamin Luxembourg, Klangstruktur Ost, Saalim, Cyclone, The Command Button, Deepfunk, Ricky Ambilotti, John Evexc, Stalot, Stefan Blackbot
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