"Two brothers, Ricardo and Mauricio Gonzalez based out of Austin, TX. Their passion and love for dance music fuel their ambition to become the worlds next greatest groove masters and make waves for generations to come. They have created their own way to perceive groove, a new way to dance. Bringing the dark elements from techno and combining them with the grooves of house, they have created their own sub-genre of dance music which they like to call, "Groovy Techno”.
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The Best of 2021
Techouzer, Jennifer Lee, Lujan Fernandez, Lamban Brother, Adam Asenjo, Felipe Contador, Grace Concha, Diego Bustamante, Myma, D.K.O, Vinary, K-Mack, Jose Lozano, matthew james, kofla, GAGH, Ivan Salvador, Deiver, CADELAGO, Jerrik, DUNDON, ADMRO, Gil Acevedo, Dabi, Little Rick, Ander Luna, Sergio Perez (ES), Ozgur Uzar, Tate Flowers, Gezvolt, Cadiz, Groover (ARG), Diego Sosa, Peter Hatman, Victor Valora, Peter Petkov, Antonio Rec, Jmnogueras, Lucky Roll, Raimer, Pablo Carrasco, Maximo Quinones, wildcard(US)
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