Luces is the collaboration of Felix Bloxsom and Caleb Cornett. Formed in Los Angeles in 2016 the pair have released their brand of electronica on labels Let’s Play House (NYC), Openers (LA), Needwant (London) and Get Physical (Berlin).
Latest Releases
Future Disco: Beach Life 2.0
Folamour, Project Pablo, Dan Kye, JKriv, Free Magic, Shakarchi, Straneus, Snacks, Lovers, Longhair, SIRS, Georges, Klubbhuset, DJ BORING, Coeo, Leon Revol, Luces, Various Artists, Demuja, SBM, Mousse T., Lovebirds, Shur-I-Kan, Mohig, Johannes Albert, Kraak & Smaak, Ivar, Kim Brown, Ian Pooley, Cassettes For Kids, Jad & The, Upstart
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