Latest Releases
Space 3000 (The Electro Indepence)
Union Of Black, Ridd Huffman, Ema Buck, Gordon Garcia, Ovlur Dratchev, Handsome Hetero, Sassy Power, The Counterfeit, Michael Epps, Norma Reagan, Salinas Lira, Institute Of Khino, Sanctuary Era, The Unsure Ginger, Underground Diffusion, Timothy Winters, Solo Lounge, Downside Cash, Dumping Waffle, Purely Psycho
It's Electro, Vol. 1
Space Investigators, Yoka doda, Black Loop, Lola's Groove, John Titos, Electro Base, Martin Zeeio, Zachary Hills, Congatronix, Mark Kobra, The African Man, Plastique Masterz, Miss Phra, Chill Of Simian, Cathy Norris, Downside Cash, Dumping Waffle, Insane Surge, Killer of Deliver, Michelle Pettengill, Secret Scenario
Big Room Electro
Cristian Matrix, Insane Surge, Fixed District, The 45 sproof, Trusting Rooster, Zachary Hicks, Outlook Kick, Surrogate Wanker, Michelle Pettengill, Something Coalition, Downside Cash, Dumping Waffle, The Ninth Moonshine, Purely Psycho, Quasar Jump, Cathy Norris, Apologetic Shroom, Jedi Resistor, Secret Scenario, Sanctuary Era, The Unsure Ginger, Elusive Gutter, Solo Lounge, Timothy Winters, Soulful Vex, Underground Diffusion, Chill Of Simian
Elektro Brain, Vol. 1
The Unsure Ginger, Insane Surge, Something Coalition, Cristian Matrix, Elusive Gutter, Cathy Norris, The 45 sproof, The Ninth Moonshine, Timothy Winters, Quasar Jump, Purely Psycho, Chill Of Simian, Trusting Rooster, Michelle Pettengill, Surrogate Wanker, Zachary Hicks, Killer of Deliver, Dumping Waffle, Sanctuary Era, Outlook Kick, Underground Diffusion, Apologetic Shroom, Selfish Folk, Fixed District, Sleeve X, Secret Scenario, Soulful Vex, Jedi Resistor, Downside Cash, Solo Lounge