DEGG, fueled by an unwavering passion for progressive music, embarked on a DJing journey in 2022, setting the stage for a remarkable musical odyssey. DEGG's vibrant sets have resonated through iconic venues, including the electrifying stages of Clique, Playground, and Groove Gardens in Gianpula Village. DEGG does not only commands the decks but has also carved a unique auditory space with the inception of the podcast 'Eternita.' This platform harmoniously weaves the sounds of both local and international artists, showcasing DEGG's dedication to cultivating a local tapestry of musical expression. Notably, DEGG shared the stage with luminaries such as Robert Babicz, Erich Von Kollar, Emi Galvan, and Sebastian Busto, a testament to the artist's rising prominence in the progressive music landscape. Venturing into the realm of music production during the

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