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Joey Negro's 2012 Essentials
Joey Negro, The Sunburst Band, Diane Charlemagne, Donna Gardier, Z Factor, Spirit Catcher, Mistura, Kendra Cash, Akabu, Electric Empire, Doug Willis, Jupiter, Bottin, Jakatta, Lady Aya, Taana Gardner, Raven Maize, The Adventures Of Anybody, Angela Johnson, State Department, Noelle Scaggs, Foreal People, Special Touch, Kola Kube, Chuck Brown, The Soul Searchers
Go Go Get Down Compiled By Joey Negro
Little Benny, The Masters, Chuck Brown, The Soul Searchers, Donald Banks, Rare Essence, E.U, Expression, Osiris, Familiar Faces (2), Backlash, Static Disruptors, Jackie Boy, Natures Creation, Davis Pinckney Project, Code Red, The Mighty Peacemakers, Class Band, Soul Searchers, CJ's Uptown Crew, Ovation, Jim Bennett, Bumpin' Crew, Dr Skunk Funk
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