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Blaze Of Glory 2 - Revenants Of The Underworld
The White Shadow, Akrobatik, Edo.G, NBS, Ripshop, Krumbsnatcha, Jaysuan, Xam, Capital X, Great Peso, Casual, Blacastan, C.F., R.A. The Rugged Man, Bekay, Evil Intentions, Vitiate, Canibus, Kool G Rap, Mark Deez, Alucard, Killah Priest, Ide, Apathy, Diabolic, Danegurous, D.L., Rusty Pelicans, The Longshots, U.G., Lions Of The Desert, Slaine, Celph Titled, Clokworx, D.L, Bay B Girl Rose
Munix Music Best of 2015
Leo Aberer, Martin Van Lectro, Basslovers United, Addicted Craze, Melina Cortez, Manuel Lauren, Peter Sax, Joe Blind, Tomsta, Sam Walkertone, Shaun Bate, Johanna, Dirty Might, CombiNation, Martini Monroe, Steve Moralezz, Louise Carver, Anton Liss, Slin Project, Rene De La Mone, Consuelo Costin, Skyfreak, KidRow, DJ EmJo, Jim Noize, Chris Da Noir, Liquid Cosmo, Eden Noel, Saveland, Pulzemaster, Seaside Clubbers, NeoTune!, Isabel Higuero, DVA, DJ X-Treme, David Celine, Dynam, Michael June, Timbo, 3Reason, Nathan Brumley, Blaikz, R&R Project, Martin Lindberg, Laanga, Maximilian Jeunesse, Bekay, EmJo, Dan Winter, Sunset Project, Mr. Slickk
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