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Home Cooked Beats Vol.1
Masneo, LA Kena, Loudtone, Abyssy, Ennio Colaci, Ayce Bio, Detailseventy3, Visceras, Soutine, MODUS, Daniele De Rossi, Dj Blasy, Oxytone, Flavio Deff aka Dj Home, Airshpd, Sameness, BMO, Comakid, Lorenzo Magnozzi, Pirate Stream, Gianluca Fusari, Infinite Delta, Dukwa, Metropolitan Soul Museum, Angle,, Twovi, Arg.o, Third Life, Tracya, Verde, Feel Fly, Ludus Pinsky, Minimono, V I M A N A project, Leo Pengo, xxluvsx, Daniele Tommasini, Vincenzo Tusa, Herva
Modularism 2: Noises Off
Andrew Huang, Angle, Ardisson, Bachelard, Benge, Cray, Designed To Die, dVoxx, Elizabeth Parker, Fragile Self, Future Sound Systems, Ghost Hunter, Hiatusk, Jade Rose, Kams, Ladyphase, Luke Killen, Martin Orman, Metamono, Monopol, Nina Richards, Norman Phay, Oora, Patrizia Mattioli, Robin Vincent, SupersentientIntelligenceConstruc, SunFalls, Vile Electrodes, XponentOne, Zoe Blade
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